FREIGHTRAIN at The Rapids Theatre in Niagara Falls
with opener Michael Delano
December 3rd - Doors @ 7:00 - Show @ 8:00
Ticket Options:
- Standing 2-Top - $20 Each ($40 per Table)
- Standing 4-Top - $20 Each ($80 per Table)
- Theatre Style Seated General Admission - $20
- Seated Table for 2 - $20 Each ($40 per Table)
- Seated Table for 4 - $20 Each ($80 per Table)
*Tables are a package deal only
** Limited Number of Seats and Tables Available **
All events are No-Refunds with the exception of complete event cancellation, no refunds will be issued unless Refund Protection was purchased at checkout. Please see our Refund Policy for more details.
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