Event Details

Post Stampede Rodeo at Post Stampede Rodeo in Post, Texas

Post Stampede Rodeo at Post Stampede Rodeo in Post, Texas

Thursday, August 6, 2020
Friday, August 7, 2020
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Showtime 7:45 PM
Showtime 7:48 PM
Showtime 7:45 PM
Post Stampede Rodeo
1210 N Broadway
Post, Texas 79356
About this Event:

Post Stampede Rodeo

August 6th – 8th

UPRA Sanctioned Rodeo begins at @7:45pm nightly followed by Live Concerts.

  • $8.00 - Rodeo Entry per Night (Increases to $10 on August 1st)
  • $10.00 - Live Music Admission per Night



  • Thursday - Slade Coulter
  • Friday - Jody Nix
  • Saturday - Hogg Maulies

@poststampederodeo @outhousetickets @slaydecolter @jodynix @hoggmaulies
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Price: $8.00 - $10.00
We don't actually know what a Hogg Maulie is. Your guess is just as good as ours. Chwan had a dream one night and God said: Go to school in Lubbock, work at an irrigation joint, buy a black pickup, and name your friends' band The Hogg Maulies. Since then, we've got a lead singer obsessed with Fantasy Football, a drummer and a road manager who act like donkeys, a guitar player who is a photographer and also listens to bands nobody has ever heard of, a bass player who plays bass, another road manager with a golf pro girlfriend, and a lawyer who is always on the look out for good cover songs. We've also released a studio album "Here To Stay" and currently have a "Live @ Blue Light" Album released by Smith Entertainment. With it comes a studio version of a brand new single "On Your Own Tonight." Matt Martindale is a co-producer, so Look out.