Nikki Horner
My name is Nikki Horner and Music is my life! I have been singing since I could talk, walkin around the house with my dad's microphone calling it my LaLa. I have had a lot of ups and downs in my career. The biggest up, being signed to a record label at the age of 15. The biggest down, losing that record deal at the age of 18. I stepped away from music for a while only to realize that my life was miserable without it. So here I am! Hitting it head on and going after my life long dream. I'm not sure what my past will make of my future, but I will handle any obstacle that comes my way. A few things about me...... I love to sing. I absolutley love sleeping and hate waking up! I love dark chocolate. I'm the most gullible person ever,so be gentle. I would do anything for my friends. I get hurt a lot cuz I expect everyone's heart to be as good as mine. Standing in the rain is awesome! I prefer winter months over summer. I love my sisters!...sometimes..:) I'll act like a complete retard just to make you smile. I love my God and believe that "Faith Holds No Fear!" I love tattoos. I could curl up and watch movies all day long. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I hope that everyone enjoys listening to my music as much I enjoy singing it. Stay tuned....there's much more to come! Much Love, Nikki ..