Hogg Maulies
We don't actually know what a Hogg Maulie is. Your guess is just as good as ours. Chwan had a dream one night and God said: Go to school in Lubbock, work at an irrigation joint, buy a black pickup, and name your friends' band The Hogg Maulies. Since then, we've got a lead singer obsessed with Fantasy Football, a drummer and a road manager who act like donkeys, a guitar player who is a photographer and also listens to bands nobody has ever heard of, a bass player who plays bass, another road manager with a golf pro girlfriend, and a lawyer who is always on the look out for good cover songs. We've also released a studio album "Here To Stay" and currently have a "Live @ Blue Light" Album released by Smith Entertainment. With it comes a studio version of a brand new single "On Your Own Tonight." Matt Martindale is a co-producer, so Look out.