Darrin Morris
With a show that has been forged in the fire on stages across the country and in their home state of Texas, the group’s hard work is paying off. The band continues to build momentum performing at clubs, casinos, fairs and high profile events including the Longview Cattle Baron’s Ball, the Great Texas Balloon Race and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

The Darrin Morris Band began performing together in October 2012, with just a few friends getting together to play at a local restaurant near Gilmer,Texas where the group is based. Soon, their camaraderie and common musical vision lit a fire and during the last seven years the group has played across their home state of Texas, as well as Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska New Mexico and Tennessee.

Lead singer Darrin Morris first began singing as a teenager in the church where his father pastored. It was his love of Gospel combined with the influences of Country artists such as George Strait, Garth Brooks and Keith Whitley that helped to shape the soulful vocal style that has become his trademark.

Morris is joined in the group with the exceptional talents of Jeremy Moore on drums and backing vocals; Blake Watson on bass guitar; Michael Olson on lead guitar and Phillip Griffith on rhythm guitar.

With their success through the pandemic of 2020, they released yet another top 10 hit to radio, "I Will", which became their debut #1 hit to radio. Morris has a wall of awards from the different radio awards but he has never forgotten his roots. He returns to the venues who gave him a start as he expands across the nation.

Morris has a wall of awards but he has never forgotten his roots. He returns to the venues who gave him a start as he expands across the Nation.