Cody Cresswell
A very old friend of mine has been involved in the Dallas music scene since before 2010. If anyone had a real passion and ear for music, it was John. It didn’t matter what you were playing if it was music, he was interested. As time went on, we grew apart but always did our best to keep in touch. After some time of life getting in the way, I received a message from him about an up-and-coming artist that he just had to tell me about. This artist was quiet, polite, and was a no bull shit kind of guy. His voice was powerful, but the artist’s stage presence is what struck John more than anything. He hooked in the audience and didn’t let them go until he was done performing. “He was into the music, not just playing it. He delivered the Real.” That artist was Cody Cresswell. Powerful, soulful, and commanding. Listening to Cody perform is guaranteed to give you chills; he is not your everyday musician. While he is still building up his track record of professionally performing his music, he is setting a new precedent of what it means to be a Southern rock and Texas Country singer. Developing his sound and style and playing as many shows as humanly possible, Cody is showing the world what he is capable of and giving them a reason to care about it.