Coby Wier
Ok, I am going to step out of my comfort zone and do something completely out of character for me. I have a dream and at 46 my window is starting to narrow. I have an album of my songs that is mostly in the can. It is all but maybe two days from being completed. The album has been very graciously donated by a very good friend and someone who believes in what I’m doing. I have come a long way on my own and now I need help getting this project on the road. I have musicians that are willing and more than able to back me up. I have made and learned from all the mistakes of a young musician. I am ready to make the next step that is the Coby Wier Band. The only thing I am missing is the initial capital to get this project off the ground. This is where the uncomfortable part for me comes in. I need help from people and friends that believe in me and that want to see my dream become a reality. Your investment in me and my dream would provide the means for me to finish and support this album, get copies pressed and ready for sale, get the band up and rolling and well rehearsed, get my vehicle legal and road worthy and help provide for my family in this time of transition.