GANNON FREMIN and CCREVWe are all originally from the small town of Walters, OK and have been friends for quite a while. The band is comprised of Gannon Fremin on vocals, Travis Julian on lead guitar, Wade Cartwright on bass and Tyler McCartney on drums. We formed the band in 2016 and had our first gig at a small festival outside of our hometown. We were so ready to get on stage and start performing, that we hadn’t even though of a name for the band yet. During the set the same day, we came up with the name CCREV or Cross County Revenue. Since then, we have changed to Gannon Fremin & CCREV. Not long after, we released our first EP, Underage, and to our surprise, it caught some nice traction. Ever since then, we have just been pushing through the hard times and honing our craft. We just recently signed with Ascent Music Group and they have helped us a lot with getting more gigs further away from our home town. Texas Local Live has also has helped us out on our backend with social media/PR to help give us more content to keep us looking fresh!