Breast Run
Our warrior friend, Krystal, is battling breast cancer. At the time of the race, she will have completed her Chemo treatments, but still has surgery to face. We want to support her through a FUN run!

It's Halloween weekend, so dress in costume! Please no super scary costumes though. Top 3 costumes overall will get prizes!!

We will kick off the 5K race at 9:30am on Saturday, 10/30. At 9:40, we will have a shorter, family race that kids, parents, and any adult is welcome to participate in.

There will be a bounce house for the kids and all participants will get some race day goodies and a free beverage at the end. Stick around for food (truck lineup to be announced), BYOB, and some music and fun! ALL proceeds will go directly back to Krystal and her 3 kids!